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miercuri, 12 august 2009

Ilustratii din 1900 despre anul 2000

The year 2000 - from 1900

Paleo - Future

Visions de l'an 2000 - Visions of the year 2000: Utopia

(Click on images to enlarge)
The Moving PavementHouse-Moving by TrainTelevised Outside BroadcastingPersonal Flying MachinesWeather Control MachineCombined Ship and Railway LocomotiveUndersea Tourist BoatsRoofed CitiesPersonal AirshipsSummer Holidays at the North PolePolice X-Ray Surveillance Machine


Here is a curation at The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). There is a wonderful online gallery of illustrations by Villemard from 1910 imagining what life would be like in the year 2000.
Flying Police

At School
Flying Firemen

Car ShoesThe BarberThe Avenue of the OperaA Curiosity
The Electric Train From Paris to BeijingA Rescue

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